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 24-Hour Crisis Lines: 

(800) 560-4038 or (317) 574-1252

 After-Hours Medical Concerns: 

(877) 574-1254


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career process

Aspire’s Employment Services program provides people with the services and supports they need to increase their ability to work successfully. We also work with employers, at no cost, to help find workers who match their specific needs.

Aspire Indiana is dedicated to being a whole health care provider and improving the health and well-being of our community. At Aspire, we believe that Employment plays a powerful role in increasing people’s overall health.

roganize resume

Aspire's Supported Employment Services

Hover or tap on each card to learn more!

Career Planning & Counseling
  • Identify skills and career matches
  • Create a strategic plan for reaching career goals
  • Link to needed resources
Benefits Counseling
  • Help with understanding how working may affect your benefits
  • Provide referral to Indiana Works
  • Help navigate requirements for benefits while working
Job Preparation Skills
  • Resume building and/or updating
  • Interview training
  • Online application tutorials
Job Search & Placement
  • Identifying open positions
  • Connecting with employers
  • Training on how to apply for jobs
Ongoing Employment Support
  • Help with accommodation requests
  • Conflict resolution training
  • Coordination with employer for any work-related issues
Pre-Employment Job Skills
  • Time management skills
  • Training to use alternative transportation
  • Professional conduct training
Soft Skills Job Training
  • Effective communication skills
  • Coping skills for the workplace
  • Problem-solving and decision-making skills
Aspire’s Employment Services is really good. They reach out and are there for me when I need them to be. They have helped me.

Services are better than most in Indiana and they are consistent with their help. I was able to easily find and maintain my job with their help.

My overall experience with employment services has been amazing and extremely helpful for me. I really like how Christina focused on and helped me with the specific areas of employment that I struggled with. Christina helped me prepare my resume and helped me make changes to it depending on what kind of job I was applying for. I have always struggled with first interviews. So, Christina did numerous practice employment interviews with me. Overall the Employment services have far exceeded my expectations and I thank you for that.

Aspire’s Employment Services can help you find qualified applicants to meet your business needs.  Advantages include:

  • All services are at no cost to the employer
  • Reduce the time spent hiring and training employees
  • Pre-screen applicants for job readiness
  • On the job training and coaching
  • Worksite accommodation consultation
  • Long term follow up and support

Experience what
Whole Health for Your Whole Family
really means.

Reach your true potential and live your best life.
Schedule a Medical Appointment

Or call (877) 574-1254