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Through Social Security’s Ticket to Work (Ticket) program, you can receive free support services to help you prepare for, find or maintain employment. Adults age 18 through 64 who receive Social Security disability benefits qualify.
The Ticket program is voluntary and helps people with disabilities make progress in the workforce while on their way to a good job, good career and better self- supporting future. It is a good fit for those who want to prepare for long-term success in employment. If you are ready to work, experienced professionals are ready to help you.
The Ticket to Work program (TTW) is a Social Security initiative for individuals with disabilities who want to work and move towards economic independence. Anyone ages 18- 64, who receives Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits because of his or her disability is eligible to participate in the program. The program is voluntary and the services offered are free. The goal of the program is to offer you the support you need to work for the chance of becoming and staying economically independent. By agreeing to participate in the program, you will not be penalized if you do not achieve self-sufficiency, however, you must be willing to make a good faith effort.
Making the decision to work is an important step toward achieving financial independence. When you or a person you know is ready to work, Aspire’s Ticket to Work program is here to help. We offer all kinds of services to help you find and maintain a job of your choice.
There are a lot of myths out there that make people fearful about returning to work. Our specialists will work with you to go over your exact benefits and how working will affect them. A big myth we encounter is that by working, you will lose your cash benefit or insurance coverage. In fact, the Ticket to Work Program provides a gradual transition back into working without necessarily risking your cash or Medicare/Medicaid health care benefits.
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