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Aspire employees highly eligible for HRSA student loan grants

It’s no secret that healthcare professionals are some of the most highly educated and credentialed career paths one can choose -- and that often means racking up a considerable amount of student loan debt that can take years, even decades to pay off. 

Fortunately, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) offers a loan repayment program to provide relief, and Aspire provides support for those seeking help.

We’re pleased to announce that Joanna Will, HSPP Psychologist at Willowbrook, was recently awarded the maximum loan repayment grant of $50,000! Rana Stoops, a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner in Anderson, also was awarded repayment totaling 60% of her total loan debt. Congratulations to them both!

“The sole determining factors for getting the grant are the number of people applying and your worksite's Health Professional Shortage Area Score. They give the grant to a certain number of people with the highest site HRSA/HPSA scores,” Will said. 

Aspire scores quite highly on these scales, meaning employees find themselves near the front of the line for student loan relief.

“It's a great program for Aspire staff to know about. It's available to any healthcare professional -- therapists, physicians, nurses.”

As part of the program, grant recipients are also required to make a two-year commitment to continuing to work at Aspire, which makes us even happier!

Click here for more info about the HRSA loan grant program.